Hey everyone and welcome back to Brutally Honest Reviews, only on The Brutally Honest Network. This evening we have a treat. The rare, so bad it's good horror film. This Boston Hospital Morgue set possession thriller tries to make strides with cheap scares, thinly developed characters, poor dialogue and general nonsense. There will always be a novelty for B-Horror movies so while we did enjoy the film for it's unintentional stupidity, we had to be a little Brutally Honest here. Check out what we thought inside. This was a fun review, terrible film, but fun review. Remember to always keep it Brutally Honest, even if you're an indie filmmaker and the project is local.

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Cinematography, Recording, Editing & VFX: Hop Top Films (www.HopTopFilms.com)
Studio: Hop Top Films Studios | Find Out How To Host Your Podcast Today!([email protected])

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