About this episode...

Miss Laura and Monkey are super excited to meet today with Eva Sweeney. Before we start we have a couple of notes to go over with you. First, this episode may have some longer pauses due to the communication styles - just be patient dear listeners - we promise it is worth it. Second, this interview is recorded over a speakerphone to accommodate Eva's needs so it may be a bit noisier than you are used to - again - it is still worth it! We did some things in the audio edit to minimize this but it still happens! And now, on to the show…

Eva Sweeney is a gender queer disabled person who works as a sex educator and freelance writer. She writes a lot on topics around sex, disability, and queer culture. She is joined by her assistant, Cameron who voices for Eva. Eva would like people to know she is just a normal person and is not at all inspirational just for getting out of bed.

Eva has cerebral palsy, which for her means she uses a wheelchair to get around and she speaks by using a laser pointer mounted to her head and a letter board. This board is read by whoever she is speaking to or her aide. She needs assistance with almost all physical functions. She is in control of her life - she just needs a little help. For this interview, she pre-wrote out the answers to many of the questions. For any follow-up questions, you will hear her aide help her as she uses the board to respond.

Eva shares her ideas on maintaining a positive body image - and discusses how she does not conform to the "mainstream" and responds with "Fuck that - I am hot!". She is overflowing with self-confidence. As far as advice to people on maintaining a positive body image - Eva says "Just be yourself and don't give a fuck what other people think of you."

One final message from Eva - "Just stay open minded."

About Eva Sweeney

Eva Sweeney is a 35-year-old genderqueer disabled female who works primarily as a sex educator and freelance writer. Her topics include disabilities and sex, gender, and queer culture. She is also the creator of the documentary, Respect: The Joy of Aides. She has been doing Sex and Disability workshops for 15 years and started doing this work because she found a huge lack of good sex positive information for people with disabilities. Eva wrote the book Queers on Wheels and has traveled the country giving workshops about Sex and Disability. She is also available for private consultations.

Where to Find Eva...

You can find Eva on O.School, on Facebook, and her new website:



