In this episode...

Today's Nugget Guest is Susan Fitzmaurice - a lifelong sex and disability advocate, parent of a child with a disability, and owner of the website

Susan's Sex Support has been around since 1995 - perhaps one of the oldest sex support sites out there. The organization started off to support the needs of parents who had children with disabilities. Susan's own son was born with developmental disabilities. When she looked for information to help support her son as he grew up, she could find absolutely nothing out there. Over time she accumulated a large amount of information and decided to put it out there on a website for other people who had questions so they would have a resource to go to for their own questions and to help support them support their children. The site became a combination site for both professionals and for people with disabilities or their support network (of parents and family members) - to help with healthy growth and development for children with disabilities.

Susan's site is primarily informational but it is a sex support site and does have a store. There are only ever a dozen products or so on that store, specifically geared towards beginners and introductory sex toys. These are specifically described and offered without images of naked people so that this site would be more widely used. In her experiences, she has found that it was difficult to pass muster into schools, religious organizations, etc who needed this information but nudity prevents usage within the organization guidelines.

You can find all of this information at

A little about Susan Fitzmaurice...

Susan Fitzmaurice is a lifelong disability advocate, a person with multiple disabilities, a parent of a son with other disabilities, and thinks sex-positivity is a critical component to living well with a disability. She has written many journal articles including "A mother's narrative: Reflections on life with a disability." Sexuality and Disability, Summer, 2002, Volume 20, No. 2, "The Name for a child with a Disability" in Sticks and Stone: Disabled People's Stories of Abuse, Defiance, and Resilience, and "Inclusive education, sexuality, and developmental disabilities", Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality.

How to contact Susan...

Society for Disability Studies

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