This Monday we are really excited to be talking about Gender, including the Journey of Gender Explorations and Questioning and even Gender Transitions. There is a lot to talk about this month - and I know we are barely scratching the surface. In fact we are only in our second week on this topic - if you missed us last week - go check out all of the amazing episodes on Gender including two educational and entertaining interviews with doctors from Mount Sinai, Monkey's own gender identity story involving a loved one, and the Monday Mumbling on the Gender Spectrum.

We would LOVE to hear back from you about more things, topics, comments, and guests we could be talking to - and if you would like us to do another month on Gender in 2019.

Speaking of which - 2019 is JUST around the corner. We have topics for the first few months - and are looking for input from all of you as to what you would like to hear. If you are listening in our App - send us a message, if not, go to our website or drop us an email at [email protected] and let us know about topics you would like to hear. We need ideas for what to talk about, guests to have - remember - we produce content for you to listen to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday every week! So that means we need to hear from you!

So - back to October. Happy October 8 everyone. Do you know what that means? It means it is Monkey and the Professor's favorite time of year - only 3 more weeks (and 2 days if you want to be precise) until Halloween! Let's not mention anything beyond Halloween - this is a sacred time and deserves ALL of our attention. Remember to send us your costume pictures and #sexiestbarnyard!

Today the Monkey and Madame are sitting down to burst some bubbles of misunderstanding around the topic of Intersex and to shed a bit of understanding on this often misunderstood population. This is a bit of a technical discussion around genetics and such but really fascinating!

For more information, please visit our website and check out the show notes:

And remember - you can like us on all the social media, subscribe to our channel, download our episodes, become a Patreon supporter and so much more! We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization so you can also make a tax deductible donation!


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