Guest Introduction: 

My guest this week is Soorin Backer. She is known for dynamic teachings that genuinely set people free to be who God created them to be. Soorin attended Fuller Theological Seminary and completed two graduate degrees in theology and clinical psychology.  SBM has been broadcast throughout the USA on radio, hosted a TV show focused on teaching the Bible and has an established conference ministry called Pearls of Hope that is held twice a year. 

 Just before Soorin turned 40, her brokenness and God’s love hit a major collision. And He began to heal me of religion, performance, and profound emotional damage.

During the last ten plus years, God has wooed her into true love. He continues to heal her of her past, has set her free from shame and regret, and He continuously invites her to the future and hope He has for her! This girl has some wisdom on kicking the performance trap to the curb! So buckle up and lean in ladies! It’s going to be another great one!

Connect with Soorin Backer:  


How do I register for the Pearls of Hope Conference and receive an extra $30 off my registration?

Send an email to [email protected] and say that you listened to the Bringing Her Hope Podcast with Soorin Backer and then your Bringing Her Hope promo code is "Bethany ". Once you have sent that email the Pearls of Hope team, they will personally register you for the conference and make sure you get that special $30 off discount

When is the Pearls of Hope conference?

October 17-19 2019 in Portland, Oregon