When we look up to legends in women’s history, we see the result of everything they’ve achieved. What we DON’T see are the invisible things that helped them become so powerful in the first place. Today I’ll give you the behind-the-scenes tour of everything that comes together to create “legendary success.” If you’ve ever looked at a legend in women’s history and felt your soul-stirring, as if somehow YOU were meant to have success…And then felt sad because that success isn't manifesting for you…you'll want to tune in. Because your lack of legendary success isn’t for the reason you think. It has nothing to do with your level of wealth, smarts, or background. I’ll share what legends like Serena Williams and Megan Rapinoe did behind the scenes to achieve their success. Why? Because you can have it too!! Regardless of your age, wealth, or background. Schedule some time with my team. We’ll support you in achieving your dreams!