Do toxic thoughts hijack your potential far too often? Overthinking has derailed more female careers than any glass ceilings. It breeds inaction, impatience, frustration and worst of all - stagnation. Yet few dare speak of the liberation found beyond the fences of our own minds. If analysis-paralysis has you missing opportunities that pass less-qualified peers by, join me this Monday at 8PM EST on Facebook Live. In 30 minutes, you will discover: → Why overthinking correlates directly to FEAR → How to escape oppression by your own thoughts → Tactics used by successful people to turn insight into ACTION → Steps for becoming the CEO of Your Career, not just passenger I'll also open the portal to a proven formula that turns potential into increased impact + income, fast. This digital gathering spotlights a roadmap through uncertainty any leader can rally behind. One comprised of soulful confidence, clarity and courage. To learn more go to