**Please remember to rate and review the podcast - it really helps others to find it.**
Caron Petsch started making polymer clay jewellery towards the end of 2019. Just as she started to realise it could be a business, the UK went into lockdown.  Caron shares how she started an online business and all that entailed, literally learning as she went!
I love Caron’s jewellery (I’ve treated myself to a few pairs of her earrings!) and am thrilled to share her story with you.
Listen in to hear Caron share:
An introduction to herself, her business and what she sells (1:14)
What inspired her to start making jewellery (1:49)
Transitioning from a hobby to a business (3:10)
How she balances making with running a business (5:08)
How she, and her daughter, teach themselves new skills (6:25)
Why she never considered herself as creative - and now runs a creative business (9:07)
Where she gets the inspiration for her products (11:13)
The logistics of making jewellery! (14:22)
What she loves about running her business (18:58)
Her thoughts on learning as you go (21:33)
Her number one piece of advice for other product creators (25:39)
http://www.caronmade.uk/ (Caron Made website)
http://www.facebook.com/caronmade.uk (Caron Made on Facebook)
http://www.instagram.com/caronmade.uk (Caron Made on Instagram)
https://www.instagram.com/vickiweinberg_product_creation/ (Find me on Instagram)
http://www.vickiweinberg.com/ (Work with me) 

**Please remember to rate and review the podcast - it really helps others to find it.**

Caron Petsch started making polymer clay jewellery towards the end of 2019. Just as she started to realise it could be a business, the UK went into lockdown.  Caron shares how she started an online business and all that entailed, literally learning as she went!

I love Caron’s jewellery (I’ve treated myself to a few pairs of her earrings!) and am thrilled to share her story with you.

Listen in to hear Caron share:

An introduction to herself, her business and what she sells (1:14)What inspired her to start making jewellery (1:49)Transitioning from a hobby to a business (3:10)How she balances making with running a business (5:08)How she, and her daughter, teach themselves new skills (6:25)Why she never considered herself as creative - and now runs a creative business (9:07)Where she gets the inspiration for her products (11:13)The logistics of making jewellery! (14:22)What she loves about running her business (18:58)Her thoughts on learning as you go (21:33)Her number one piece of advice for other product creators (25:39)


Caron Made website

Caron Made on Facebook

Caron Made on Instagram


Find me on Instagram

Work with me