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Simon Arnold joins us from Unity Logistics - a UK based freight forwarding company specialising in shipping goods internationally to and from the UK, including importing and delivering goods directly to Amazon warehouses in the UK (or wherever required) on behalf of Amazon sellers.
https://bring-your-product-idea.captivate.fm/episode/shipping-and-importing-your-products-with-simon-arnold-unity-logistics (READ THE BLOG POST FOR THIS EPISODE)
Listen in to hear Simon share:
What we mean when we talk about shipping and what a freight forwarder does (1:50)
What Incoterms are and what each one means to you as a buyer (4:01)
The importance of ensuring you’re receiving and comparing supplier quotes based on the same shipping terms (7:28)
How to work out which terms might be best for you (9:52)
How to know if you’re being quoted accurately (12:44)
Why DDP shipping might not be best (14:31)
Why it’s worth insuring your products during transit (22:14)
How to work out what import charges and VAT you’ll pay - plus who pays and when (23:14)
Why you need an EORI number (26:54)
The different modes of transport you can choose for shipping your products (28:19)
What you need to get an accurate quote from a freight forwarder (32:37)
Using a freight forwarder versus asking your supplier to handle your shipping (36:14)
What you need to be aware of if you’re planning on sending products into Amazon FBA (39:52)
The top (quick!) things you need to know if this is your first shipment (47:40)
https://unitylogistics.co.uk/ (Unity Logistics website)
https://www.gov.uk/eori (Get an EORI number)
https://bring-your-product-idea.captivate.fm/episode/shipping-and-importing-your-products-with-simon-arnold-unity-logistics (Read the blog post for this episode)
https://www.instagram.com/vickiweinberg_product_creation/ (Find me on Instagram)
https://my.captivate.fm/www.vickiweinberg.com (Work with me)

**Please remember to rate and review the podcast - it really helps others to find it.**

Simon Arnold joins us from Unity Logistics - a UK based freight forwarding company specialising in shipping goods internationally to and from the UK, including importing and delivering goods directly to Amazon warehouses in the UK (or wherever required) on behalf of Amazon sellers.


Listen in to hear Simon share:

What we mean when we talk about shipping and what a freight forwarder does (1:50)What Incoterms are and what each one means to you as a buyer (4:01)The importance of ensuring you’re receiving and comparing supplier quotes based on the same shipping terms (7:28)How to work out which terms might be best for you (9:52)How to know if you’re being quoted accurately (12:44)Why DDP shipping might not be best (14:31)Why it’s worth insuring your products during transit (22:14)How to work out what import charges and VAT you’ll pay - plus who pays and when (23:14)Why you need an EORI number (26:54)The different modes of transport you can choose for shipping your products (28:19)What you need to get an accurate quote from a freight forwarder (32:37)Using a freight forwarder versus asking your supplier to handle your shipping (36:14)What you need to be aware of if you’re planning on sending products into Amazon FBA (39:52)The top (quick!) things you need to know if this is your first shipment (47:40)


Unity Logistics website

Get an EORI number

Read the blog post for this episode


Find me on Instagram

Work with me