Abbey Teunis is the Founder and Director of Embark Insight.

She works for companies, speaking to their potential customers on their behalf to get an insight on what they think about their brand, products and advertising.

I’ve talked about research and validation before and I was so delighted to meet Abbey, as she really is an expert in this area.

You can read the entire blog post here.

Listen in to hear:

What Embark Insight is and what Abbey does (1:30)How you know who your ideal customer is (3:35)What do you need to know about your customer and how do you find it out (5:19)How you can build up a customer profile yourself (9:15)How you go about doing face-to-face research (11:43)Abbey’s thoughts on whether you can do all your research online (13:20)Why you need to do product research and what you’ll get out of it (16:00)The two mistakes people make when carrying out their own research - and what the impact is (17:45)What are good questions to ask if you’re doing market research yourself (22:54)How to go about pricing your product (25:09)Abbey’s top advice for aspiring product creators (29:53)


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