Kate Towers designs and creates colourful, feelgood prints, cards and homeware, helping bring colour into people's lives.

Listen in to hear Kate share:

An introduction to her business and what she creates and sells (00:57)How she learnt the skills she uses to design and create her products (03:01)How she went about finding suppliers for digital printing (07:01)The importance of ordering samples (09:42)When and how she became a business (10:18)Why (and how) she built a following on social media, alongside her Etsy store (11:15)How she used Instagram ads successfully (13:51)How Etsy analytics work (17:12)Rebranding her business (20:40)How she manages stock (24:28)Tips for other Etsy sellers - particularly if you’re just starting out (25:44)The importance of gettings reviews - and how you can do that (27:59)Where she gets her inspiration (30:22)Managing her business, a day job and a young family - and why having passion for what you do is so important (32:16)Her number one piece of advice for other product creators (38:00)


Kate Towers website

Kate Towers on Etsy

Kate Towers on Facebook

Kate Towers on Instagram


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Hosted by Captivate

If you've been inspired to start a podcast in 2024 then I recommend my podcast host, Captivate.
They were my top pick when I started 4 years ago because of how easy it was for a complete novice to get started. I’ve stuck with them because it’s still simple, they keep adding great new features (like the ability to share ads like these!) and it’s been so reliable.
When you’re ready to start your own podcast, use the link for a free 7 day trial: https://www.captivate.fm/signup?ref=vickiweinberg&tap_a=53455-ceb3a2

In May 2024 our sponsor is Aubergine Legal

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