To celebrate passing the 200th episode of Bring Your Product Idea To Life, I decided to catch  up with past guests, to see what happened next in their product business, and where they are now.

Today’s guests were all on my podcast in 2021. It’s fascinating hearing where their business has taken them, the highs and lows, and how their advice for other product business owners has changed over the years.

One of the main messages that came out of it was the importance of perseverance, how businesses naturally evolve, building your range and being willing to pivot when needed.

The Bring Your Product Idea to Life Podcast  - Best Business Podcast Award, Independent Podcast Awards 2023


2021 Podcast Episode 47 - Ruth Bussey - Ink and Scribbles

Ink and Scribbles Website

Ink and Scribbles Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 57 - Joe Shortt - Trip Clip

TripClip Website

TripClip Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 59 - Vanessa Afful - MBPH Aromatherapy

Made By Pure Hands Website

MBPH Aromatherapy Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 71 - Nancy Powell - Herd Bags

Herd Bags Website

Herd Bags Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 73 - Silvina De Vita - My Papercut Forest

My Papercut Forest Website

My Parpercut Forest Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 84 - Creating and selling planners - with Janet Murray

Janet Murray Website

Janet Murray Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 88 - Why your product needs to be on Amazon - with Cara Sayer, Snooze Shade

SnoozeShade Website

SnoozeShade Instagram

To celebrate passing the 200th episode of Bring Your Product Idea To Life, I decided to catch  up with past guests, to see what happened next in their product business, and where they are now.

Today’s guests were all on my podcast in 2021. It’s fascinating hearing where their business has taken them, the highs and lows, and how their advice for other product business owners has changed over the years.

One of the main messages that came out of it was the importance of perseverance, how businesses naturally evolve, building your range and being willing to pivot when needed.

The Bring Your Product Idea to Life Podcast  - Best Business Podcast Award, Independent Podcast Awards 2023


2021 Podcast Episode 47 - Ruth Bussey - Ink and Scribbles

Ink and Scribbles Website

Ink and Scribbles Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 57 - Joe Shortt - Trip Clip

TripClip Website

TripClip Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 59 - Vanessa Afful - MBPH Aromatherapy

Made By Pure Hands Website

MBPH Aromatherapy Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 71 - Nancy Powell - Herd Bags

Herd Bags Website

Herd Bags Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 73 - Silvina De Vita - My Papercut Forest

My Papercut Forest Website

My Parpercut Forest Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 84 - Creating and selling planners - with Janet Murray

Janet Murray Website

Janet Murray Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 88 - Why your product needs to be on Amazon - with Cara Sayer, Snooze Shade

SnoozeShade Website

SnoozeShade Instagram

2021 Podcast Episode 89 - How to make wholesale work - with Sasha Gupta, Cheeky Zebra

Cheeky Zebra Website

Cheeky Zebra Instagram

This podcast was sponsored by Tonbridge Accountants

"Welcome to Tonbridge Accountants, where creativity meets clarity in business finance. 

Wendy and Laughton are not just accountants; they're your partners in navigating the complexities of business finance. 

We simplify VAT, corporation tax, and crucial cash flow management, guiding you through decisions like company purchases or setting up a new business.

Our approach is personal. 

We work closely with creative entrepreneurs, providing a virtual finance office that ensures you have the financial support and clarity your business needs to thrive. 

With us, it's more than accounting; it's about empowering your creative venture with strategic financial insights.

Tonbridge Accountants is the partner you need to unlock financial clarity and freedom, allowing you to focus on what you do best: creating. 

We're the missing piece in your creative journey, ready to transform your business finance into a strength.”


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Buy My Book: Bring Your Product Idea To Life

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Mentioned in this episode:

Hosted by Captivate

If you've been inspired to start a podcast in 2024 then I recommend my podcast host, Captivate.
They were my top pick when I started 4 years ago because of how easy it was for a complete novice to get started. I’ve stuck with them because it’s still simple, they keep adding great new features (like the ability to share ads like these!) and it’s been so reliable.
When you’re ready to start your own podcast, use the link for a free 7 day trial:

In May 2024 our sponsor is Aubergine Legal

Do you sometimes worry that your business isn’t meeting all its legal compliance requirements and wonder if you are ticking all the legal boxes?
Aubergine offers a free initial 30 minute consultation if you have any questions or want to find out how they can help.