Dr Gil Kajiki is the founder of the Valley Thyroid Institute. He graduated from the Pasadena College of Chiropractic and has been a chiropractor for 30 years. The main focus of his practice is thyroid and Auto Immune conditions. 

Through working with his patients he developed the Kajiki Protocol for determining thyroid and autoimmune issues with a particular concentration on Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. He offers his patients answers and protocols to improve thyroid function and overall health.

With his roots in chiropractic-biophysics, Dr. Kajiki was busy helping patients in the San Fernando Valley in Southern California with their spinal structural corrective care when his wife became ill with what at first appeared to be Epstein Barr.

As he watched his wife’s health deteriorate under the care of several doctors, Dr. Kajiki began a relentless search for answers to why his healthy wife could become so ill and yet no one seemed to know how to care for her. After more than two years of tests, medication, B12 shots, and finally hospitalization, it was her husband and not her medical provider who came to her rescue.

After countless hours of study, consultation with colleagues, and testing, Dr. Kajiki diagnosed his wife with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition that attacks the thyroid. He spent the next several months treating her autoimmune condition through natural supplements, lifestyle modifications, and dietary changes. She is now symptom free and doesn’t take any thyroid medication.