James Connor began writing supernatural thrillers when he won a RavenSociety Award at the University of Virginia in support of his creative writing. But it wasn’t until two decades later that James felt compelled to publish stories that allowed readers to experience the deep wisdom that he gained from his 15 years of detailed Buddhist and yoga training. 

James was the CEO of a successful New York ad agency for 14 years before he gave everything up to undertake a three-year isolated meditation retreat in the high-desert mountains of Arizona. 

On Sunday afternoons in retreat, he’d take a break from meditating to write. What resulted was The Superyogi Scenario, a fun fantasy thriller that’s a new take on the superhero story and based on authentic verses in The Yoga Sutra and ancient Buddhist texts. He created The Superyogi Scenario as an entertaining way for people to explore the inner powers that are accessible though Buddhist and yoga teachings. Following in the footsteps of his story-telling idols C.S. Lewis, Neil Gaiman, and the Wachowskis, James is a firm believer in combining philosophy with fun.

He is also the founder of GoBeyond.org, a non-profit that teaches people how to meditate from authentic sources in the Buddhist and Yoga lineages and a blogger for the Huffington Post.

To learn more, visit www.byjamesconnor.com