In her remarkable purse-sized handbook, Kulaga, a nationally known mental health expert, has distilled the step-by-step strategies to get there. The SuperWoman's Guide to Super Fulfillment is the essential quick-start guide to getting your life back on track.

Like having a personal coach and a cheerleader looking over your shoulder. The SuperWoman's Guide gives women the tools to begin enjoying life again, stop struggling and focus on how to create a lifestyle that works for you instead of against you.

Kulaga knows first-hand how things can get twisted up. A married mother of two, author, inspirational speaker, workshop leader, Ph.D and counselor/coach with a thriving practice called of Mindful Rehabilitation (), she has had to learn when to stop and change course to preserve that balance. And she shares these experiences in the book. But mostly she has culled the essences of her workshops, working with women around the world who share these same frustrations and anxieties. Women who give until all the life juices are drained.