What happens when we engage in contemplation and integrate key mindfulness principles into

our daily lives? We feel lighter, sleep better, enjoy more success at work and in relationships and

improve the quality of our lives.

There is a new app on the scene and it’s in a class of its own. Introducing the Vibe app. In the current sea of mindfulness apps, meditation has become synonymous with mindfulness, but meditation alone, is not a reasonable path to a more mindful life. One must also take the critical step of learning and integrating the fundamental principles of living a mindful and fulfilled life.

The Vibe app fills this gap by connecting users with leading authors and thought leaders in mindfulness. App users choose their preferred “thought leader” who will provide them daily guidance in core fundamentals of mindfulness and spirituality, offering a framework upon which they can build our own inner truths. Other mindfulness apps offer support for meditation, while the Vibe app provides the building blocks to help us actually realize, connect with and deepenour spiritual, mindful selves.