Rocky Rosen, The Cigarette Whisperer, describes himself as having been a die-hard, got to quit, can’t quit, must quit, won’t quit, desperate to quit, tried everything there is to quit, never going to quit smoker who has many, many people stop smoking over the years.  With his the approach there are no tricks, gimmicks, drugs, hypnosis, nicotine replacements, or b.s. Rocky was smoking up to 2-packs a day smoker for over 20 years and had tried numerous ways to stop smoking, including nicotine replacement therapy, acupuncture, hypnosis, injections, aversion therapy, support groups. Although he was able to get some time off of cigarettes (once even up to 2 years), eventually the urge to smoke would reappear, and Rocky would find that he was right back smoking as much as ever.  The technique he teaches his clients is how to use the urges to smoke as the way to get free instead of always trying to fight, ignore, deny those urges which still creep up after we stop.