How to Relax into Life as a Living Meditation, More Fully and Enjoyably as You: Tis is the essence of Canela Michelle Meyers’ teachings. Her cherished volume of satsang invitations supports readers in practical and profoundly human ways to awaken to the True Self. Embracing topics such as trust, love, attraction, blame, anger, self-remembrance, abundance, and many more, these “reading meditations” demonstrate how available it is to awaken more deeply to the present moment, here and now. No need to go off to a cave in the Himalayas! Every single aspect of yourself—no matter what—is benefcial in this sacred process. Since 1999, Canela Michelle has been supporting the awakening of humanity worldwide through Transformational Satsang, offering direct support for Awakening to and embodying the Truth—available to all, no matter what they know or don’t know and how long they have been looking or not looking for “Tis Tat Is.” Learn more about her work at