Thirteen years ago Carolin came to America from Germany with $7 in her pocket and a dream that she would be able to help others. Carolin has encountered many difficult life situations and circumstances that have helped define her and transform her into the person she is today. Through remembering her own childhood sexual trauma, recovering from a ten-year eating disorder, suffering from chronic fatigue, getting divorced and going bankrupt; to now, being married to her Divine Partner and Soulmate Paul and helping over 5,000 other people heal, find love, create success in their life, and businesses. All while growing her own business into a multi-six-figure Company.

Carolin has written an award-winning book: Blossom: 7 Steps to Sexual Healing. She is a German trained Naturopathic Doctor, Humanistic Psychotherapist, and Family Constellations Facilitator. And is an internationally recognized speaker and teacher on the subjects of women’s empowerment, spirituality, relationships and emotional healing for almost two decades. Her work is based on the intersection of where the human body and experience meet past trauma... in order to heal. She shows how each individual’s authentic and true self is the source of one’s own good. A place of unlimited abundance, creativity, courage, and joyful existence.