With a successful career in Melinda’s family business, it would have been easy to continue and gently ride into the sunset. But a combination of major life events – reviewing the future for the business, the direction of a key relationship, and a family member’s health issues - derailed those plans, leading to a reassessment of Melinda’s life as she had known it, had planned it.

Suddenly, there were new questions before Melinda. Lots of questions.

On her journey toward answers, Melinda was able to work with many thought leaders, coaches, as well as draw upon her experiences in non-profit volunteer work. Patterns and traits began to emerge, for herself, with others. As Melinda started to question herself, she found that the questions often brought great comfort and understanding. It is Melinda’s observations that became Finding Your Coach, Diving Deep Within.

Acknowledging that often we don’t know how we have become stuck, or can’t see the way to the next place, can be the starting place of wisdom. Looking at common ways most people continue to not hear what is going on in the room, helped her to find her path, and so we can begin to engage again. In the hope that we can all find what we are looking for, Melinda also discusses the various ways to view success, beyond the limited way of financial success. More, the question for many of us is do we want success? Happiness? Both? Do we know? Have we thought about it?

In embracing the Power of the Question, Melinda found a strength to see herself, and the world, that left her feeling supported and empowered. After a life seeking answers to put the matter to rest, it turns out the questions have become Melinda’s best companions. And you? Your questions?