Kelley tackles the unapproachable topic of death and dying with heart, compassion, wisdom and humor--and inspires a more epic form of passionate living with her readers in the process!  Part guidebook.  Part workbook. Part spiritual call-to-action. This hybridized book is a powerful, beautiful and inspiring must-do for people of any age!  From the full-color photographs, to the thought-provoking, inspiring and witty quotes, genuinely-impassioned poetry and heart-rending personal stories-Kelley has taken the dread, dismay and deferring out of the process of death planning.


Why leave it to others to decide how to celebrate your life, make vital life-and-death decisions, and pass along your inheritance (financial and cultural)-when you can leave them a roadmap to what you truly desire? Kelley bids you join her on the journey as she takes you on a literary hand-holding expedition of personal exploration and considerations as she ushers you step-by-step to completing your advance-care planning and personal initiatives. 


But Sunrises and Sunsets is not just about planning for the Final Sunset.  It is about new beginnings and newfound perspectives about living.  It is about taking care of necessary personal business in a pro-active and responsible manner that allows for incredible peace and freedom in the present.  Kelley's book is about planning for the Sunset, while enjoying every Sunrise, with fresh outlooks and appreciation!