Janice R. Love is the best-selling author of One Plus One Equals Ten: A First Lady’s Survival Guide for Stepmoms and her newest book entitled  Divorced and Still Highly Favored was released in May 2015. A native of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Janice earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Virginia State University and a Master’s of Science in Biological Psychology/Health Psychology from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.  Janice delights in teaching and training, and does so in her professional career as the Director of Learning and Development for a community health center in Kansas City, Missouri.  As the Christian Education Advisor for the Second Baptist Church of Olathe, she provides spiritual guidance to ministry leadership, and regularly instructs Sunday school classes and Bible Studies.  

As a First Lady, she ministers directly to women by facilitating bible study groups and delivers inspiring messages to Christian and Civic assemblies across the nation. Janice has a passion to minister and coach minister’s wives, women who are divorced, and stepmoms. After experiencing the unique challenges of a blended family of eight children, Janice trained at the world renowned Stepfamily foundation, Inc. and successfully earned credentials as a Certified Stepfamily Coach.  Along with her husband, Dr. Bobby L. Love, she is the cofounder of Step with Love, a ministry that offers family counseling, coaching and seminars for individuals, couples, and churches.  The couple also provides assistance to churches, particularly Pastors and wives offering enlightenment on the unique dynamics of being in the ministry. They reside in Olathe, Kansas.