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Christine Corda is a Psychic Medium as well as a Psychic Paranormal Investigator.

Considered one of the best Psychics in Connecticut Christine has read for hundreds of people.

But what sets her apart from other psychic mediums is that she is a survivor of an extreme demonic haunting as a result of abuse in her childhood and teen years..controversial? 


But she never shies from controversy.

In the 80s and 90s Christine suffered severe demonic attack, so much so the Roman Catholic Church was called in and performed a formal exorcism..anyone who knows the RCC knows they do not grant formal exorcisms without very good cause.

Her experiences with the demonic and the RCC were very real and very horrific..many people have heard her account of what happened and are educated both on the dangers within  the paranormal as well as the difficulties in obtaining help from Paranormal Groups and clergy.

Her story is NOT just for "entertainment."

Because of her experiences and in-spite of them Christine learned to empower herself through her own Psychic gifts, gifts that many people of different religions believe are the cause of demonic activity yet what Christine learned is that they are crucial in helping free one from activity. 

Gifts that helped her learn to remove the negative entities from her life and become a highly respected reader and in demand speaker/lecturer in the Connecticut area.

Aside from sharing her terrifying account of demonic attacks Christine also counsels people on empowering themselves as well as helping clergy to better understand the need for deliverance and intervention in many peoples lives.

Her readings for people are extremely accurate and compassionate.