I grew up in Winchester, MA and currently live in a small town in West Tennessee. I've always been drawn to study history and like many writers, began writing poetry and short stories while still quite young. The defining event in my life was becoming a Christian at age twenty three. The Wood's End Series juxtaposes world events with end-times Bible Prophecy in the context of how these dynamics impact the lives of individuals.

Alexandra wrote the Book Discerning Spirits as a simple overview of how one may facilitate Christian ministries of Deliverance, Exorcism, and Intercession; and the three classes of demonic possession. The last chapter looks at four movies and the narcissistic characters in those films as we seek to identify a protocol of evil for purposes of deciding what ministry response is needed. She's been influenced in her nonfiction writing on these topics of Exorcism and Deliverance by foremost, The Bible. Secondly by the work of Erich Fromm, M. Scott Peck, Ken and Sylvia Thornberg, Francis MacNutt, Malachi Martin, and Joseph Lumpkin.

Clair is currently working on a screenplay and the third book in the Wood's End Series: The World in the Wood.

People can reach her via Face Book or through my blog: www.alexandraclair.com

I'm available for book readings and conferences. I very much enjoy hearing from readers. Your questions can also be answered via her author page at the Goodreads website.