As a young boy, Lauran grew up in the Netherlands, outside of the little town oud-vossemeer, on a farm. He was a very active kid, always playing outside. And after a short dream of wanting to be a soccer player he decided to focus all his intention on becoming a professional cyclist. And he succeeded, he won various international races. Next to a lot of great memories, Lauran says the cycling gave him a lot of life lessons that are still very valuable to him. He learned determination, to believe in himself, strategy, teamwork, perseverance. To him, these are the most important characteristics you need as an actor. Lauran moved to Australia to work for Unicef and Amnesty International. He is very proud to say within a year he raised over 10 million dollars for charity. This same passion he put in cycling and charity is now fully focused on acting. He resides in Hollywood, California. Lauran has appeared on various TV-shows and movies such as, Spoken and the TV show The Chosen One . Lauran is even more excited about what's coming up. He is coming out in a couple of exciting movies next year, which we're gonna talk about in the show as well. One of them is Jake's Journey, where Lauran stars as a professional cyclist. Winter's End, a scary movie, where he will be playing a character from the 1940's, the lead and love interest in the movie.

Notice of Default is probably the first movie coming out, where Lauran will be a professional ice hockey player chasing his dream.