In the first episode of the new series, "Intersections: Energy and Environmental Issues in Law and Tech", D.C. Bar EENR Community Co-Chair Kathryn Caballero and Cathy Pagano of the Board of the Women's Bar of Association of D.C. (WBA) interview Alexandra Klass, who is the U.S. DOE Deputy General Counsel for Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Demonstrations. Alexandra discusses the work of her office to support DOE's decarbonization mission, including clean energy technology demonstration projects such as clean hydrogen. She also shares how attorneys without science backgrounds can successfully support and lead clean energy efforts to combat climate change.

Please note, the positions and opinions expressed by the speakers are strictly their own, and do not necessarily represent the views of their employers, nor those of the D.C. Bar, its Board of Governors or co-sponsoring Communities and organizations.