We've all done it. Late-night google searches, while we're up breastfeeding our baby. Bet I know one of the questions you've searched for before because these are some of the top questions that are Googled (in regards to breastfeeding). Take a look:

How do I know my baby is getting enough at the breast?
What's an example of a breastfeeding schedule?
My baby falls asleep at the breast and then gets hungry soon after. What can I do?
Do I need a hand pump? Which one is best and why?

Need a Haakaa in your life? (hint: you do) Use code BREEZY10 for 10% off. Click here.

Listen in and learn from a lactation expert. (hint: Google is not the expert).

*This podcast is not "medical advice". Please consult with your Healthcare Provider about your specific situation.

This episode appeared first on the Breezy Babies website. Follow along @breezy__babies on Insta for more tips and tricks. 

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This podcast is not "medical advice". Please consult with your Healthcare Provider about your specific situation.