The Misuse and Abuse of Antibiotics, and their Consequences – The question I have for you, are you using Medications, Antibiotics and Vaccinations Properly?

Our Special Guest is Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo a Poultry Veterinarian, from UC Davis is here to address this very important and controversial subject. 

We all know how beneficial antibiotics and vaccinations can be. If used properly, and for the right reasons, these medical miracles can accomplish great things. However, many are using these so-called miracle drugs as an end all or fix all to all their medical and disease related problems. 

They see a sniffle or sneeze, and they immediately shoot a half cc of Tylan 200 into the breast, and believe they are good to go. Instead of giving their birds a proper treatment plan, one that is accurately diagnosed, they rely on old wives’ tales, such as - “At the first signs of sickness, inject them with antibiotics, and to make sure they never get sick, vaccinate the entire flock for every known disease.” What’s their overall plan? To use the shotgun approach by over medicating. But truth be told, they are creating a bigger mess than they realize. One that is going to affect them and their chickens later down the road. 

Today, we are talking with Poultry Veterinarian, Dr. Rodrigo Gallardo about the use and misuse of Antibiotics and Vaccinations, and the consequences of these practices. 

We’re also going to talk about how to use them properly, and when to avoid them. It is my hope that you will gain a greater understanding of their uses, and the consequences of doing it wrong.