Deflect all you want, but you know there’s nothing good about living in the past. Things change. People change. Sometimes it’s good, but not always.

A stint working as a skinner at Delaney Shipyards pushes Anton into considering what responsibility to others really means, and just how important names (and nicknames) can be.

The Cast

Anton Proctor is voiced by Jordan W. Anderson
George “Pony” Cheval is voiced by Jesse Hall
Verner “Step-Off” Gil is voiced by Ryan Astheimer
Delia “Balloon” Feelan is voiced by Lafayette Uttarapong
Heck is voiced by Amy Young
Cat is voiced by Ella Watts


This episode was written & edited by Jordan W. Anderson.
It was transcribed by MJ Lu.


Click here for the episode’s script.


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The Spaces in Between Theme was written and performed by Amy Young.
Breathing Space is a Law of Names production.

This work is copyrighted by Law of Names Media, 2023
It may be freely adapted and remixed for non-commercial use with attribution to the original creators. The unaltered material may not be shared or distributed for any purpose without written permission from Law of Names Media.

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Created with permission from Law of Names Media. Based on original material from Breathing Space. All rights reserved.

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