Content warnings:
mentions of death and trauma, family separation, divorce and alcohol use.

Feelings are valid. The problem is if you let them control you. One can’t move through life with only them leading the way... It’s about balancing them with logic. Life’s formula isn’t solved with only one or the other. We’re a sum of our experiences.

Another bar, another meeting, this time with a Peregrination captain who has some regrets of his own.

The Cast

Anton Proctor is voiced by Jordan W. Anderson
Ivanhoe Iveskin is voiced by Quill Turner
Hoss is voiced by Duke Stuggs

This episode was written, & directed by Jordan W. Anderson, & edited by Amy Young.
It was transcribed by Kirsty Woolven.


Click here for the episode’s script.


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The Spaces in Between Theme was written and performed by Amy Young.
Breathing Space is a Law of Names production.

This work is copyrighted by Law of Names Media, 2023
It may be freely adapted and remixed for non-commercial use with attribution to the original creators. The unaltered material may not be shared or distributed for any purpose without written permission from Law of Names Media.

For adaptations and derivative works, please include the following:
Created with permission from Law of Names Media. Based on original material from Breathing Space. All rights reserved.

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