How to self advocate is a topic that comes up often among those diagnosed with breast cancer. We are always telling each other that we have to advocate for ourselves, but really, what does that mean? How can we do it, what are the tools we need, and why are we so concerned about hurting our oncologists' feelings?

This episode is part III of the Livestream podcast we hosted with Liz Mover. Mother, Wife, ICU Nurse and so much more! Parts one and two are below. Part three includes questions about loss and navigating a hysterectomy as well as the important topic of self advocacy. We hear from Liz and LiveStream Audience members about their personal experiences with finding the right medical team; what I'm calling, your "medical fit".

Welcome to the Conversation!

Resources and Episodes Mentioned in this episode:

Part 1: What to Expect at the Hospital During COVID
Part 2: Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Under 35 


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