Breast Cancer Meets Covid-19 by

Summary: In this episode, Laura discusses the results of the breast cancer meets Covid-19 survey that was previously sent out to the SBC community. The results revealed that people in the SBC community would like more communication from their doctors. In addition, many of the guidelines for Covid-19 are similar to what individuals going through a breast cancer diagnosis must abide by. As a result, there is a sense of uncertainty as to how to approach certain situations during this time and how to still be able to go through breast cancer treatment when individuals are not able to go to the hospital as often. Laura encourages people to talk to their doctors and to engage in coping strategies in order to feel better during this difficult time.

6:02 Similarities between Covid-19 and Breast Cancer
11:44 Statistics on the SBC community’s breast cancer diagnoses
16:42 The impact of Covid-19 in the breast cancer treatment setting
19:40 Coping strategies
22:40 How does Covid-19 impact me

23:18 Laura: “And so I understand that there's this okay, but what about me? How does COVID-19 impacted me specifically, and my particular diagnosis, and that is something I really wanted to communicate as well, that there is this odd dichotomy between what we're experiencing and what we're going through. I would say the major themes that came from this, this survey is that we do have concerns about uncertainty, there's anxiety and fear, and then we're also getting conflicted information.”


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