Next Episode: Navigating Cancer

Using the Advanced Gerson Therapy to Reverse the Breakdown of Human Health.

Cancer is a metabolic disease—a problem at the cellular level. You truly are what you eat. 

Glutamine, glucose (sugar), and processed toxic foods feed cancer. But the opposite starves cancer cells.

The late Dr. Max Gerson, "The most eminent genius in medical history," has the most storied reputation for reversing advanced cancer and degenerative diseases. 20 pounds of organic veggies and fruit, coffee enemas, and strategic supplements throughout the day are at the core of how Gerson Therapy restores bodies and kicks cancer far away! 

Today I am elated to talk with Dr. Patrick Vickers, the representing face of Gerson Therapy worldwide. He is personally trained by Dr. Gerson's family and is one of the few people who have studied Dr. Gerson's handwritten files. Dr. Vickers now continues to carry on Dr. Gerson's legacy through his Advanced Gerson Clinic in Mexico and speaking around the world.