Don’t we all wish we “had a doctor in the family”? A trusted person to translate “doctor speak”. To help you navigate the complexities of treatment options, simplify your healing plan, or offer more personalized cancer care.

In the often cold and disconnected world of cancer care, Dr. Lauren Cohen is on a mission to change the paradigm. As a Functional Medicine and Emotional Healing Chiropractic physician, Dr. Cohen switched her focus to patient advocacy and caregiving. She is commonly known as the “family doctor” after her mom and sister both received a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. 

She is now part of the RGCC International - North America, helping people like her mom and sister replace fear and uncertainty with hope and possibility. Tune in to learn how to use RGCC’s precise, personalized, and innovative tests to monitor cancer down to the cellular level. But more than tests, RGCC offers personalized cancer care and support to help you take the reins of your cancer healing.

To get started becoming your own “doctor in the family/the person who helps you navigate cancer care,” please download Dr. Cohen’s FREE guide to personalized cancer testing.