Award-winning writer and producer of “bOObs: The War on Women’s Breast” and investigative journalist Megan Smith, M.S., dedicates her career to better the lives of those with health afflictions.

Her latest documentary, “A New Standard of Care: Alternative Cancer Therapies” (watch for free), investigates the area of non-conventional cancer therapies used worldwide. Presenting medical journal citations as irrefutable evidence, the film is designed to educate policymakers, the medical community, and the public that many alternative cancer treatments are legitimate and worthy of future investment, research, and clinical trials. 

It’s time to listen and learn…and learn who to trust. For example, Coca-Cola recently sponsored a study that the American Society of Clinical Oncologists uses—how hypocritical is that?! 

As I always say, you don’t have to go with the first doctor who diagnoses you, nor is there only one path of treatment. You have countless options. Do your research, ask questions, and curate a true wellness plan. This podcast and programs like Survive and Thrive with Integrative Healing are great places to start.