Mary Beth Gonzalez is the widow of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. She founded The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation a few months after Dr. Gonzalez died in 2015. She is the Publisher of New Spring Press and has just released Dr. Gonzalez’s biography by Mary Swander - The Maverick M.D.

Mary Beth proudly carries the torch for her late husband so that Dr. Gonzalez’s legacy of healing through nutrition is accessible to the world. She is motivated by his enduring love for his patients and by her sincere belief in his protocol. It is her love for him and her faith in his brilliance that drives her to ensure that his protocol remains available to all who seek to heal through nutrition. 

In this episode, Mary Beth explains how Dr. Gonzalez used metabolic typing to help determine the protocols for his patients.  This dictated not only the best diet for the patient but also the correct supplements needed to balance their health.  Mary beth herself has been on The Gonzalez Protocol® for preventative health since her third date with Dr. Gonzalez back in 2000.