At the time of recording this, I’ve been a part of a monthly book club since December of 2021 and we’ve met a total of 31 times since we started! Last year, we even had a “book club retreat” where we got to hang out outside of our usual meetings and honestly, it was so much fun.

Being able to start a book club and just have FUN with it has been such a blessing, so if you’ve been looking to start something like this (or you’re part of a book club already and want some tips for keeping it fun and still going strong!), you’re going to love today’s episode. I’ve made some really strong friendships in it too. 

I feel like everybody needs a book club like this (regardless of whether or not you are a “big reader” yet and I know my friends agree! 

My goal for this episode is to show you how to start a book club and keep it going so that it quickly becomes a favorite part of the month for everyone! 

Links Mentioned:

Read the full shownotes (with links to the books!): Shop our Showit Website Templates:  Join me inside Booked Out Designer:  Sign up for the Podcast Success Blueprint:  Want the insider scoop? Join my Free Facebook community: Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram: 

It's time for Quarter 2 of 2024! This is a great time to rework the way you manage your business' finances to be more effective and help you create more profit this year. Get my simple 8-step financial process I do at the end of every month to help me manage my business finances: I walk you through EXACTLY what to do in this free guide! 

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