Calling all Showit users and business owners who are thinking about using Showit as your website builder. Showit rocks, and if you’ve been around here for a second, you probably know that I absolutely love Showit. My own website is built on Showit, I sell Showit templates, and I’m a Showit Design Partner. I love Showit — plain and simple. 


In my membership, Breakthrough Brand All Access, one of the members asked the what are some cool Showit features that I don’t see people using enough or are under utilized, and we talked about it in our Facebook community and in a member Q&A, but her question inspired me to talk to you guys about this as well. So, I’m sharing 5 Showit features that you maybe didn’t know about that you should try on your website. These are features that I’m loving lately and I think you will as well! 


These features and tips are for non-designers and designers, alike. So if you’re listening and thinking “Well that’s cool Elizabeth, but I’m not a designer.” Fear not — you can edit your own website for your non-designer business to do these things too. No need to hire a designer to set these cool features up! 


Trying Showit for the first time? Head to to get 1 month of your Showit subscription absolutely free! And be sure to check out my website templates for an ah-mazing site to go with that subscription. 



We’re celebrating not one but TWO new templates being release  — the new Kate and Elle templates. (You’re gonna love them.) And in addition to that, I just released a collection of Showit Sales Page templates that match our top selling templates. So no more piecing together a sales page based off another page of your site or struggling with what goes where on the sale page. I’ve got it all set up for you. These sales page templates have over 30 sections (called canvases in Showit) designed to guide you through creating an epically amazing, high-converting sales page for your online course, membership, coaching program, digital product or whatever it is you’re launching. 


The sales page templates also have copy prompts throughout to help you not just have designs that sell, but WORDS that sell. I’ve brought the same strategy I use on my own sales pages to you in these templates. 


Links mentioned in this episode:

- Get the full show notes for this episode: http://elizabethmccravy.c

It's time for Quarter 2 of 2024! This is a great time to rework the way you manage your business' finances to be more effective and help you create more profit this year. Get my simple 8-step financial process I do at the end of every month to help me manage my business finances: I walk you through EXACTLY what to do in this free guide! 

If you’re in the market for a new website for your business as we move into the second half of 2024, now is the PERFECT time! My Showit website templates (including add ons) are all 25% off through 7/6 with the code “CELEBRATE".

Shop at  and use the code “CELEBRATE” to save.