Whether you’re taking a maternity leave, a long (or short) vacation, a sabbatical, or ANY time away from your business for any reason, you’ll love the tips I’m sharing in today’s episode! This is the episode I was always hoping to find during my pregnancy about maternity leaves, but never found. So, I made it myself! This is a crash course in how I prepared for and planned my maternity leave — as an online business owner with a team. But, I give plenty of tips that will help you even if you’re a soloprenuer. 


I’m sharing exactly what I hope my maternity leave will look like, what the plan is, how I prepared myself and my team for the leave, and 6 of my top tips for planning your maternity leave or vacation. I’m recording this at almost 37 weeks pregnant right before my leave starts. You’ll be hearing it as my maternity leave is starting to come to a close. So, you’ll hear what I planned PLUS, you’ll be able to have seen how it was all executed. I plan to come back with a part two of this episode to share what worked and what didn’t in all of this planning. I’m a first time mom, so it’s VERY possible I missed some stuff. But, I feel great about this leave overall. 


I hope what I share here today blesses you and prepares you well to leave your business for a break with CONFIDENCE. Let me know if this episode helps you by sending me a message on Instagram or writing a review for this podcast on Apple Podcasts! I’d love to hear from you! 


If you missed earlier pregnancy episodes, be sure to go back to those as well! I have tons of podcast episodes and blog content recapping this pregnancy including favorite products, photoshoot outfits, and more. Linking all below! 


Pregnancy Podcast Episodes to Scroll Back to:

- #131 Third Trimester Recap 

- #118 Second Trimester Recap

- #112 Pregnancy Rapid Fire Q&A

- #107 Pregnancy Announcement with my husband 


Pregnancy Blog Posts for you:

- 1st Trimester Product Must Haves


It's time for Quarter 2 of 2024! This is a great time to rework the way you manage your business' finances to be more effective and help you create more profit this year. Get my simple 8-step financial process I do at the end of every month to help me manage my business finances: https://elizabethmccravy.com/profit I walk you through EXACTLY what to do in this free guide! 

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