You shouldn’t just throw your testimonials on your website on a testimonials page and be done with it. No, no, no! There is a strategist way to show your testimonials on your website and marketing. In this episode, we cover the WHERE of using your testimonials — ideas to get the most reach, where to use them, and how to do it really well. 


This is our third episode specifically about testimonials. I’ve done 3 episodes on this, because testimonials are crazy important and will be one of your most powerful marketing tools when done right. Do exceptional work, ask clients for feedback, curate the testimonials, and then USE THEM in your marketing! 


Episode Highlights:

- 6 places that you should be displaying your testimonials 

- The do’s and don’ts of a “testimonial page” on your website and why I used to not like these pages

- Which pages of your website should have testimonials 

- How to blog about your client’s projects to create more content 

- How testimonials can help with conversions on your checkout page 

- How to do testimonials on social media in a creative and “behind the scenes” way 

- Why pull quotes are the queen bee of testimonials 

- How to keep it interesting by sharing testimonials in a variety of display ways 


Links Mentioned in This Episode:

- Laurin Seiden’s Project:

- Laurin Seiden’s Testimonials Page:

- Testimonials Part 1: How to Get Powerful Testimonials for Your Business:

- Testimonials Part 2: Is it ok to edit my client’s testimonials?:

- ThriveCart:


Catch the other testimonial episodes:

- Testimonials Part 1: How to Get Powerful Testimonials for Your Busin

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