You guys we are getting crazy practical today. I’m sharing 10 technology tools and hacks that will save you time, help you be more productive, and just make life easier. Who doesn’t want that, right?!  We’re talking about hacks to make emailing easier, how to share documents more efficiently, how I keep my schedule straight and so much more! And the best part… most of these are free or have a free option!


I’m sharing 10 hacks this week, and 10 more next week! So, be sure to stay tuned for that episode to hear the rest. Now, let’s dive in!


Want the full list of hacks and tools, plus some of the special links mentioned in today’s show? Click here for the show notes!

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Breakthrough Brand Episode Show Notes

It's time for Quarter 2 of 2024! This is a great time to rework the way you manage your business' finances to be more effective and help you create more profit this year. Get my simple 8-step financial process I do at the end of every month to help me manage my business finances: I walk you through EXACTLY what to do in this free guide! 

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