In this episode I invite an inspiring mentor in feminine leadership and Christian faith, Nina Petruzzo, to discuss the process of descending from the mind into the wisdom held in the body and heart. This allows one to fully embody their true feminine essence. Nina brings her experience of studying the body-mind connection as a dancer, occupational therapist, and yoga teacher to help men and women create sacred space to hear the language of their bodies through breath, sensation, and body-based healing practices. Nina discusses her own journey in learning to surrender her fear and courageously embody her gifts and how this process is something we all experience as we move into embodied leadership.

As we learn to hold uncomfortable emotions in awareness and support ourselves through nervous system regulation, inner-child healing work, and Divine relationship, we can expand past our stuck energies and frozen emotions to expand our capacity to embody love and service. Nina also shares how her Christian faith has mirrored to her qualities of embodied leadership and how she integrates her faith in her work to stand in her sacred identity and embody her own feminine leadership. This truly was an inspiring conversation you won’t want to miss!