We’re never going to love 100% of what we do today. A lot of us have dream careers, but for one reason or another, it what you may have expected may not be exactly what you get. But if you could identify just 20% of what you do that you really love, then that’s all it takes to set you up for a purposeful life and career. This powerful message is brought to us by Daniel Hood, Editor in Chief of Accounting Today. In this episode he shares stories about his parents that have had the impact on who he is today. He discusses how observing why you do what you do can provide you greater clarity into what you love about your work and how to adjust as a leader to bring out the best in the people around you. Join in and learn how you can find deeper appreciation of the work that you do and how you can make little tweaks in the things that aren’t exactly your favorite things to do so you can bear with them a little bit better.

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