We can't know everything about ourselves. Sometimes, it takes others to point out the things we could improve. That is why when constructive feedback, done from the right place, is given, it molds us to become better versions of ourselves. Melissa Pritchard, Senior National Sales Manager for Avalara, has valued this in her life. Growing up as a gymnast, she learned how hard work and constructive feedback helped her as an Olympic hopeful and as a parent raising kids who played college sports and basketball professionally. She has also taken these lessons as a business leader, creating a culture of care for individual and team success. In this episode, Melissa sits down with Amy Vetter to share her journey and the lessons that shaped her as a leader. So follow along in their conversation to not miss out!


Show Notes:

We are honored that Avalara sponsored this episode. Learn more here: https://www.avalara.com/us/en/index.html

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