The belief systems passed down from generation to generation can become a critical factor in your success. Today, Anuradha Muralidharan, Chief Operating Officer of Expensify, shares that belief system about women and how she works around it to drive them to succeed. Her instincts weren’t going where she wanted to be, so Anu introduced the Constanza Experiment, where she assesses her choices and experiments in making uncomfortable changes which led her to success. No matter how drawn you are to your instincts, if it does not lead you to success, learn to turn around and take the opposite path. Learn more from Anuradha’s success formula today!


We are honored that Expensify sponsored this episode. Expensify is a payment super-app that helps individuals and businesses simplify the way they manage money. More than 12 million people use Expensify’s free features, which include corporate cards, expense tracking, next-day reimbursement, invoicing, bill pay, global reimbursement, and travel booking, all in one app.


To learn more about how Expensify can help save you time to focus on what really matters, check out


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