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Jo Wood & Zoe Whitman will be joined by Nicola Fallon to talk about how to get organised early when it comes to self-assessment submissions.

In today's episode of The Bookkeepers' Podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Nicola Fallon, owner of Virtual Accounts and Taxes, about how she has been preparing for self-assessment season early. Nicola shared her inspiring story of how she started her bookkeeping practice after being made redundant and how she managed to grow it to 250 clients over just 20 months.

During the podcast, Nicola discussed the processes she uses to maintain a top-level view of the clients she's managing and the work being completed by her team. She also shared some of the systems she uses to stay organised and communicate effectively with her clients.

Nicola also talked about the types of clients she works with and how she divides her client base up into five different groups. This allows her to communicate with each group in a way that best suits their preferences and helps her to build stronger relationships with her clients.

If you're a bookkeeper looking for some tips on how to prepare for self-assessment season, or you're interested in learning how to build and grow your own bookkeeping practice, this episode is a must-listen! Nicola's experience and insights are sure to provide you with valuable information and inspiration.

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