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My name is Sarah St John. Nice to meet you 
I am an entrepreneur, podcaster, author, animal lover, and world traveler. I've created several startups throughout my entrepreneurial career of over a decade. 
Through my books, blog, and podcast, my goal is to show people how to launch and manage an online business on a budget. 
Maybe you’re looking for a way to make some extra cash on the side for spending money.
Maybe you’re looking for a way to build up your savings, pay down your debt, or both.
Maybe you’re wanting to create multiple passive, residual, and scalable income streams.
Maybe you’re looking for a way to work from home so you can spend more time with your family and avoid rush hour traffic.
Maybe you’re looking for more financial freedom.
Maybe you’re looking for a way to get out of the nine-to-five office job rat race working to make someone else rich by instead working for yourself and earning an uncapped income.
Maybe you’re a creative, business-minded entrepreneur who enjoys running your own company.
Or maybe you’re like me and all of the above apply.
But, there’s just one little problem—Money.
After all, you’re interested in starting a new venture to MAKE money, not spend money. However, the saying “You have to spend money to make money” is true. At least to a certain extent.
In my book, blog, and podcast, I’ll show you how to make money without going broke.
“It’s completely possible to start on a very low budget without hindering the odds of success.” – Chris Guillebeau
But, I want to take a moment to tell you what you can expect.
My goal is to show you various ways to start and manage an online business on a tight budget. Many of the tools I’ll discuss in detail are ones I use for my own businesses, and the majority are either free or inexpensive. I’ll show you how, like me, you can reserve most of your business budget for marketing and advertising.
To summarize: I’ll break down the different ways to make money online, detail and explain the must-haves for your online business, and share the best free or inexpensive tools and resources to help you succeed.