Read my new book "Rebuild: the Economy, Leadership, and You -- a toolkit for builders of a better world" available now from an online retailer near you.

Experienced entrepreneur and consultant leading businesses to become deliberately developmental and self-governing with a FairShares Commons incorporation.

Recently completed transforming an international non-profit into 3 for-profits, and now growing a company making it easy for businesses and leaders to continuously adapt themselves, to rise to the adaptive challenges they are facing. Giving them the capacity to find new options to previously intractable challenges.

As CEO, managing director, start-up founder and investor, business unit manager, and physicist; working for VC/PE, for CEOs and for myself, I have led traditional and self-managed organisations; in multi-nationals and start-ups; through phases of growth, turn-around and new category or new business development. Most often recognised for disruptive innovation; strategy creation and execution; high performance organisation and people development. Using the latest approaches, such as Holacracy, Sociocracy, Deliberately Developmental Organisations, Requisite Organisation design, Spiral Dynamics, Integral Theory and the Cognitive-Developmental Framework.

Worked in 7 countries: UK, China, Germany, Belgium, Japan, South Africa, and Italy.

Social Media Links:

TW & LI: @grahamboydphd