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Here is my story. I am a husband and father. I am a writer in progress 😊. I’ve published two books and I’m currently working on the third book to be released in 2020. The book is going to teach people how to un-learn their bad money habits and create new ones! Talking about retirement income is my most favorite topic to talk about. I am a Retirement Income Certified Professional, RICP®. I love reading books, playing and watching soccer, sailing, sail boat racing, traveling with my family, and most importantly, spending time with my wife and son.

The reason that I am in business is for my clients. Retire As You Desire™ is my motto. My clients receive personalized retirement income plans. I help individuals, couples and business owners how to create lifetime income streams from their investments. I show people techniques that may help you “Retire As You Desire™” and live the lifestyle that you have always dreamed of in retirement.

I’m different from other financial advisors because I teach clients how to spend, yes spend, their money in retirement. This includes creating custom investment income streams that suit their needs for the rest of their lives. I like to make the retirement process fun for the individuals that I have the privilege to work with!

You, the client, will always be the main focus of our meetings. That will remain the same whether you are looking for advice about your portfolio, a retiree needing assistance with your income planning or a business owner seeking guidance on your company's retirement plan. Your financial needs are my top priority. I will help identify ways to guide you in the right direction for what is in your best interest.