Anita Ward is an Applied Cultural Anthropologist whose PhD and career have been dedicated to culture, purpose, and the growth and transformation of organizations.


Considered a corporate shaman, Anita has led organizations that include JPM Chase, American General, Occidental Petroleum, and the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health. She currently serves as CDO leading the US growth and development of the UK-based fintech, Salary Finance. With a mission to help millions of working Americans achieve financial happiness and wellbeing, Salary Finance partners with employers at no cost to provide a holistic financial wellbeing platform to their employees.


Named among the Top 100 Fintech Influencers for Sustainable Development Goals, Anita has been recognized as a leader who is leveraging the power of technology to create a positive impact on the future.


Anita hosts a podcast entitled, Working on Wellbeing, with an episodic series, People On Purpose, to share the untold stories of leaders, wellbeing, and challenges. Her work has been featured in Real Change Leaders, Leading Outside the Lines, Fast Company, Computerworld, CIO Magazine, and Forbes ASAP.

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